Sunday, October 31, 2010

Callin' Baton Rouge

I have a continuous soundtrack that plays within my own head... and when I visit Louisiana all I can think of is Garth Brook's Callin' Baton Rouge.

"A replay of last night's events roll through my mind -
except a scene or two erased by sweet red wine...

Operator won't you put me on through,
I gotta send my love down to Baton Rouge."

My most recent visit, I went to my first LSU game. Kyle, his roommates, and I went to see the band parade before the game - and got stuck behind quite a few rows of people so the visibility was pretty much nil. It turns out sometimes the stars do align, and we happened to be standing along the path where Mike the tiger breaks through. Got to see him up close and personal. Rawr.

Sat in the student section of Death Valley... I always thought having an assigned seat like I did in the Shoe was ideal, but I must say the open admission seating was pretty cool because you could sit wherever you want and with whoever you want at every game. Which means I wouldn't have had to have sat beside Mr. Needs Deodorant all of junior year.

Must say it is the only time I've ever worn a dress to a football game. At OSU, I made fun of the girls who came in dresses. In Ohio that means one of two things: either you haven't gone home from last night at the bar or you are going to the game to pick up a man and have no idea what a touchdown is. Kind of like the girls who go to college for their MRS degree, they go to a football game for a date. But, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, and in the south, the girls don't wear jerseys, they wear dresses. It was fun, but harder to jump up and down and cheer without flashing everyone.

The band spelled out LSU. No "i" to dot, unfortunately. Made me long for Script Ohio.

A good game against West Virginia. :D Potentially my first of many games at Death Valley.

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