Sunday, August 2, 2009

I'm giving up communication. Going to Hogwarts to study magic.

Obviously magic is a subject that better suits me. I can already fly. (See below).

Hannah caught me just as my cart was magically going through the wall as I headed to Platform 9 3/4 for my train from King's Cross to Hogwarts.

So the point of our journey that day was not to take a nerdy Harry Potter tourist photo. We actually were shopping at Camden market.

Shopping might be a strong word, actually, since each of us bought one thing. Casually browsing might be a more accurate description of our action that day.Our problem was - none of us wanted clothing - and almost every shop was clothing. We kept trying to follow these supposed signs to antiques and collectables.

We instead found a posh bar in the old stables. We never did find the antiques.

I did find a potential job, however, in the event that I am unsuccessful in my magic profession, acting career, or get-rich-quick tourist postcard business. Blowing bubbles outside a store near Camden Market. Seriously, can you imagine how much fun that job must be?

I was quite amused to see the bubbles blowing over in front of the "Dark Side" store. Bubbles make it seem a little less "dark."

I did get a good gothic snapshot on our walk from Primrose Hill along the Regent's Canal to Camden.

If that church and leaning bare tree don't scream gothic, I don't know what does. It looks straight from the gothic art we looked at with John Williams in week 1.

Regent's Canal:

Primrose Hill: A pretty good view of the city. Very relaxing. Apparently where a lot of picnic scenes are filmed in London movies. The hill was created from the dug-out dirt from Regent's Canal and was supposed to originally be a graveyard, but was instead established as a park.

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