Saturday, July 17, 2010

When you live in paradise, every day is an adventure...

I originally created this blog to document my adventures during my study abroad program in London. However, I realized recently that just because I'm not attending Harry Potter movie premiers or riding the Tube does not mean my life is no longer interesting. I take the philosophy that "life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." And now that I've moved to Los Angeles, it truly seems every day will be a new adventure.

I've decided I need to bring my blog back to life - for two reasons. First, because as a communication major, I enjoy writing... even if that writing serves no purpose other than to entertain myself and document my life. Hopefully if we are still using the internet in 50 years, I'll look back on it as I sit in my rocking chair and remember how cool the things I've seen and done are. Second, I am jump starting* this blog per the request of my best friend Sarah Crowell who wants to be able to creepily stalk what I'm doing while I'm so far away from home. (just kidding). Seriously though, I think it is an outlet for friends and family who may not have time for a weekly phone update (for me to tell you when I try surfing for the first time or when I see Matthew Mcconaughey biking the strand - both goals while I'm here) to stay connected.

I am going to use this blog in two ways - to obviously give you an update of my current adventures... but also to keep track of my 2010 resolution. My 2010 New Year's resolution was to have 10 new "adventures"- either new places or new experiences. Things I've always wanted to try or places I've always dreamed of visiting - that's the goal for the start of the new decade. I'll probably (as time permits) update you on my progress on those (I've accomplished four so far). So I invite you to read and (hopefully) enjoy - and I'll try to have some cool pictures too for those of you who are more visual learners. (Knowing I have this blog will also force me to TAKE MORE PICTURES. I either take 200 or none at all and I'm always disappointed when I realize I have no documentation of something really cool I did.)

Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to go have lunch at Manhattan Beach.

*I need to check AP style to see if jump start is one word, two words or hyphenated... I'm going with two words for now. Probably only one of you reading this will care, but I think it is my internal perfectionist that feels I need to use proper AP style whenever possible. My writing here may be casual and flippant, but I will hyphenate words properly!


  1. I am honored to be mentioned in your blog :) And I look forward to reading about your days in LA (despite how jealous I am) and about your 10 new adventures. It figures you have already seen someone famous. Can't wait to read more!

  2. Sarah - Actually those are hypothetical things I will blog about in the future when they do happen. I've edited the post to reflect that language. :P My roommate saw McLovin' at a concert the other night though haha.
