Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Adventure #5: Ready, Aim, Fire

As often as I made fun of my dad for never quite being able to hit that groundhog in the field, I personally had never shot a gun myself.

So when Phi Sigma Pi offered a pistol shooting class at the Ohio State ROTC gun range, I decided to give it a try.

I'll be honest. I was previously a little terrified of shooting a gun. Not really for any reason in particular. It just made me a little nervous, a little uncomfortable.

But this year is about new adventures and new challenges... so I challenged myself to actually do it. And it was pretty rewarding. They taught me the correct way to remove the safety, hold it, load the bullets, AIM - and ultimately shoot the pistol. The aiming part took a little getting used to, but once I got the hang of it, it wasn't half bad. I did hit the bulls-eye right in the center once - and kept the rest of the shots within the circles. I considered that a success. :)

As I was leaving that day, I called home to report my success. My dad answered, and an ambulance with full sirens drives by as I open saying, "Dad, I'm leaving a pistol shooting class. I learned how to shoot a gun today." Luckily, I was able to explain that the ambulance had zero correlation to my pistol class before any panic set in.

Maybe next I'll try a rifle. :)

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